How is Kona coffee beans better than other coffees?

It is a question that many scientists and coffee farmers have tried to get answers for at a given period of time. Not only was it a nut to crack for the farmers, but also most coffee lovers who have had a taste of the kona coffee and other types of coffee have had some difficulties in answering this query.

Kona coffees history

The best way to answer this question is by understanding the origin and long history of the Kona coffee. It traces back to the year 1820 where Mark Twain discovered the distinct taste of the coffee that grew in Hawaiian Islands. It is where the Kona coffee era began. Surprisingly, this rare yet so delicious type of coffee only grew in the island.

Owing to this new discovery, many farmers invested in growing this coffee beans. This is why when you visit the island, most of these farms are run by families, and are passed on from generation to the other.

Climatic conditions as the main factor

Researchers therefore concluded that the Kona coffee familiarized itself with the Hawaiian climate. Additionally, the soil that they grow in are rich in nutrients and hence aid in the Kona coffee growth. It has been proven than in order to achieve this high quality breed of coffee, the soil, wind and climate play a huge role. Hawaii just happens to be a harbor to these critical factors that give rise to the most brilliant breed of coffee available in the market today.

That’s the big secret behind Kona coffees excellent taste. For this reason, it should not come as a surprise to you when you find the coffee highly priced in the market. In fact, purchase it to promote the families that work day and night to ensure you have a taste of one the best coffees in the world.

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