If you want to get to know your vitamin levels more thoroughly, you may have come across the term “vitamin test.” Basically, the vitamin test measures your vitamin levels and gives the result in 5 dosing interval intervals. This test identifies common vitamin deficiencies and will help pharmacists in determining the right treatment for a patient. More importantly, the test can also help doctors decide how much vitamin supplements are needed by patients.
Vitamin deficiency is not only found in adults; it also affects children and the elderly. While some people may not experience any symptoms of vitamin deficiency, for others, the symptoms can be severe. One such deficiency is an insufficient level of the B vitamins, which are essential for strong body immune system. Low levels of these vitamins could lead to different diseases, including heart disease. The result of low levels of B vitamins usually shows up in the form of fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and muscle cramps.
It is important to diagnose vitamin deficiencies to take full advantage of your vitamin intake. Common symptoms of deficiency include weak muscles, frequent infections, anemia, joint pain and bleeding, poor growth, irritability, bloating and constipation. A complete examination and proper diagnosis can give you the benefit of correcting vitamin deficiencies before they worsen. Vitamin testing can provide timely results for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiencies.
The most common types of Vitamin deficiencies are Vitamin A or Beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Zinc. Vitamin A is essential for healthy eyes, and its deficiency can lead to xerophthalmia, a condition where the body cannot retain or produce the vitamin within the body. A deficiency of Vitamin A can cause severe dry skin, excessive hair loss and uneven pigmentation of the skin. In the case of Vitamin C, it can prevent excess production of collagen in the skin and can prevent the formation of excess fluid-filled blisters in the nose and mouth. Vitamin E can reduce the effects of a cold and protect the body against viruses and infection, while reducing the risk of cancer and free radical damage.
Deficiencies of Vitamin C and E are associated with weak bones and frequent infections. A Vitamin E deficiency is associated with strong bones and healthy hemorrhoids. A Vitamin A deficiency causes strong bones and normalizes blood sugar levels. A 25-hydroxy vitamin can be effective in maintaining healthy skin, while relieving the symptoms of anemia and chronic fatigue syndrome, and preventing a deficiency in Zinc.
While some people may not suffer a Vitamin A deficiency because they live in areas that are naturally rich in the vitamin, others may have a Vitamin A deficit because of environmental factors that promote the absorption of Vitamin A. A healthy diet, regular exercise and a balanced diet that contains enough Vitamin A can keep you from becoming deficient, but even if your diet does not contain enough Vitamin A, or if you were exposed to a Vitamin A deficiency, you can increase your intake of Vitamin A by taking Vitamin A tablets. However, if you were born with a birth defect for which the body has a lower tolerance to Vitamin A, you may need to take higher doses of Vitamin A to compensate for your current level of Vitamin A.
Other at-home vitamin deficiency tests are more accurate than tests performed at the doctor’s office. The saliva tests commonly used by doctors cannot tell you whether the level of Vitamin C in your system is sufficient to prevent deficiencies, and these tests do not test for the levels of other important vitamins. Vitamin C supplements are usually recommended for everyday use until your saturation level falls below 75%. But if you consume less Vitamin C than the recommended daily allowance, the body won’t absorb as many antioxidants. These pills can cause unpleasant side effects, so it is better to get your Vitamin C from natural sources, such as fruit and vegetables.
Doctors rarely perform blood tests to check for essential vitamin deficiency symptoms. In order to be sure that your body is adequately maintaining the proper levels of vitamins A, D, E and B complex, you should get a home test that will determine the ratio of these substances to one another. Some tests for Vitamin E have also been developed that incorporate discreet packaging so you won’t have to worry about revealing your results to anyone. This is a great way to ensure that your body is getting all of the vitamins it needs, without having to share your details with anyone.